
Did you know that DICOM files can be targeted with steganography, the practice of hiding information within digital file, allowing unauthorized and potentially malicious data to be concealed within medical images?

Are you aware of potential threats, including malware, to DICOM files, and do you have real-time detection and quarantine or other mitigation processes in place?

Do you have measures in place to validate the alignment of DICOM files with established standards, ensuring both compliance and data security?


Many traditional security measures fall short in their ability to address the complexity of DICOM files, leaving a critical gap in protection.

Solution: SecureDICOM fills this gap by providing:

  1. Targeted Protection: Unlike generic tools, it recognizes and safeguards against threats specifically targeting DICOM files.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: From inspections for malware to checks for hidden data, SecureDICOM’s multi-dimensional approach ensures robust protection.
  3. Regulatory Compliance Support: It aligns with standards like HIPAA, maintaining integrity and conformity of DICOM files.
  4. Integration with Existing Measures: It fits seamlessly into your current security framework, enhancing the overall strategy.

Benefit: SecureDICOM specifically addresses the security needs of DICOM files, enhancing your existing defenses and alignment with standards. This tailored approach builds confidence in your healthcare data handling, promoting trust among providers and patients.

Malware Threats to Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS)

PACS and the DICOM standard are fundamental technologies in healthcare, serving as essential tools for storing and transmitting medical images. However, these systems are susceptible to malware attacks that can jeopardize patient data and disrupt critical operations. Malware can infiltrate PACS systems during the DICOM file import process, lying dormant until activated either at the diagnostic workstation or within the PACS server itself. This malicious software poses a significant risk, potentially leading to unauthorized data access, ransomware attacks, violations of regulatory compliance standards like HIPAA, and other severe consequences. WetStone’s SecureDICOM offers a specialized solution tailored to address these unique security challenges.

Download our latest article on the threat to PACS;
Security Vulnerabilities in PACS Systems: Understanding Malware Risks in DICOM File Handling


    Enhance Healthcare Security with SecureDICOM

    Ensuring the security and integrity of DICOM files has become a complex challenge that requires specialized attention. General antivirus tools lack the nuanced understanding needed to protect these complex medical imaging files. SecureDICOM fills this gap by offering a solution specifically designed for the demands of healthcare data security.

    1. Targeted Protection for DICOM Files: SecureDICOM goes beyond generic antivirus tools, offering specialized protection tailored to the unique structure and demands of DICOM files. Our solution is designed to recognize and safeguard against threats specifically targeting these vital medical files.
    2. Comprehensive Security Coverage: With inspections for known malware, conformity with the DICOM standard, and checks for hidden data that could be maliciously embedded within the files using steganography, SecureDICOM provides a multi-dimensional approach to security. Our solution addresses the nuanced risks associated with DICOM files, delivering a level of protection traditional antivirus solutions cannot match.
    3. Regulatory Compliance Support: SecureDICOM is committed to maintaining the integrity and conformity of DICOM files, aligning with regulatory requirements and best practices in healthcare data protection.
    4. Enhanced Trust and Confidence: Our specialized focus on DICOM file security reinforces trust and confidence in digital healthcare processes. SecureDICOM proactively addresses both conventional and specialized threats, contributing to a more secure and resilient healthcare data ecosystem.
    5. Integration with Existing Security Framework: SecureDICOM fits seamlessly into your existing security measures, filling a critical gap that traditional antivirus tools may miss. Our solution ensures a more holistic security strategy, taking into account the unique risks associated with DICOM files.
    6. Supporting Patient Privacy and Data Integrity: SecureDICOM emphasizes patient privacy and data integrity. Our ability to detect hidden malicious data or non-conformity helps to ensure that sensitive patient information within DICOM files remains protected.


    • Designed to enhance the security of DICOM files.
    • Detects potential threats, including malware, within DICOM files.
    • Uncovers hidden data using steganography detection techniques.
    • Validates the alignment of files with DICOM standards.
    • Ensures integrity during transmission and security scanning processes.
    • Features near real-time detection and quarantining of problematic files.
    • Provides a platform for secure management of large-scale DICOM file sharing.
    • Supports healthcare providers in maintaining regulatory compliance.
    • Reinforces overall data security in medical imaging.

    A Cloud Platform serving multiple healthcare organizations provides real-time access and sharing of diagnostic images and reports, while also empowering patients with ownership of their medical data. The platform faces security challenges such as risks from malware, non-compliance with DICOM standards, and the incorporation of steganographic hidden payloads within files. To counter these issues, SecureDICOM deploys a strategy that includes rigorous standard conformity checks, malware scanning, and detection of hidden steganographic elements. Each security threat is classified by its potential impact and addressed through appropriate measures to ensure system integrity and patient privacy. SecureDICOM's scalable architecture adapts to different file upload volumes, maintaining operational efficiency. Through this integrated security approach, the Healthcare Cloud Platform retains user trust and serves as a reliable conduit for healthcare communication.

    A leading medical equipment manufacturer specializing in personalized prosthetics encountered challenges related to the integrity, security, and standard conformity of DICOM files crucial to their manufacturing process. SecureDICOM effectively mitigates these issues by validating each DICOM file for both standard conformity and potential security threats arising from both conventional malware and malicious steganographic content. The software seamlessly integrates into existing workflows, providing specialists and the manufacturing pipeline a secure and efficient operating environment. With the ability to scale, SecureDICOM handles varying volumes of DICOM files without sacrificing performance. The outcome is an enhanced manufacturing process that adheres to high-quality standards, thereby improving both treatment planning and the production of customized prosthetic devices. This incorporation of SecureDICOM significantly aids the mission of delivering personalized healthcare solutions.